Our Select Decaf offerings are single-origin blends of coffees selected by cup quality grown by multiple smallholder producers. Our Colombian E.A. (ethyl acetate) decafs are cupped as regular green samples and specifically identified for decaffeination, which happens in-country in Colombia before the coffee goes to export.
This process works by soaking green coffee in a bath of water and a solvent called ethyl acetate, which is naturally derived from fermented sugar, among other natural sources. The solvent bonds to the salts of chlorogenic acid within the coffee, which allows for the extraction of caffeine. The coffee is removed from its bath and steamed at low pressure to ensure no traces of E.A. are left, and the finished product is almost entirely free of any but the most trivial (0.1–0.3%) caffeine content.
Mild and clean with citric acidity and chocolate notes.
Region: Huila
Farm: Various smallholder farmers
Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Tabi, Typica
Altitude: 1200–2000 masl
Processing Method: Washed, Ethyl Acetate decaffeinated